травня 21, 2023 09:50Beautiful things are born hereKateryna Kosianenko’s stunning art exhibition, “VICTORY” displayed at the Andrea Sheptytsky Museum in Lviv captures the spirit of Ukraine. And this war. It embraces life. And hope. And murder. It screams. And whispers. Colors explode. Stories emanate from Kateryna’s sharp scrapes of the canvas. And soft iconic faces of angels and man populate her world […]
квітня 26, 2023 19:05Art Room Plant. Kateryna KosianenkoTuesday, 25 April 2023 Kateryna Kosianenko is a Ukrainian painter who’s paintings have merged traditional icon style painting with modern life. Now they are icons of war, incredible paintings that smash together the beauty of icons with the realities of living in a war torn country a potent juxtaposition. https://theartroomplant.blogspot.com/2023/04/kateryna-kosianenko.html
квітня 20, 2023 19:17Exhibition “VICTORY by Kateryna KosіanenkoTomorrow, on April 21, 2023, at 16:00, the opening of Kateryna Kosianenko’s exhibition Victory will take place in the lobby of the main building of the Andrey Sheptytsky National Museum in Lviv (20 Svobody Avenue). The exhibition consists of more than 50 most significant works (2006-2022) by K. Kosianenko. Among them are the debut works […]
грудня 9, 2022 12:34Art in the Land of War: Kateryna KosianenkoBABYLON’13: Ukrainian creative documentaries Why does she have an emotional connection with apartment buildings, and why sincerity is important for a painter? Watch the video! 00:00 – Buildings are just like humans 03:40 – Evening Kyiv 07:10 – Maybe, I couldn’t paint again 08:56 – Art can explain anything 10:48 – Painting is like a song or a pray This is the 5 episode of […]
серпня 2, 2021 20:38“List of Ships”Kateryna Yushchenko Beautiful exhibit by artist Kateryna Kosianenko of her art illustrating poet Serhiy Zhadan’s new collection “List of Ships”. This is part of a series by talented curator Tetyana Shwed pairing up artists of different genres. National Art Museum of Ukraine.
березня 6, 2018 20:18Kateryna Kosianenko. Exposition d’oeuvres graphiques. Mon Kiev. Mon ParisMercredi 14 19:30 – 22:30 Centre Culturel de l’Ambassade d’Ukraine 22 avenue de Messine 75008 Paris https://openagenda.com/ficepparis/events/kateryna-kosianenko-exposition-d-oeuvres-graphiques-mon-kiev-mon-paris “Un Dialogue graphique Kyiv-Paris. C’est un dialogue artistique, architectural, humain. Deux villes, deux capitales, deux cultures, des milliers de vies humaines connectées, des œuvres d’art… “Un Dialogue graphique Kyiv-Paris. C’est un dialogue artistique, architectural, humain. Deux villes, deux […]
лютого 25, 2016 22:42“GENNUS LOCI”Genius Loci is a documentary about Ukrainian artists and their plein air which took place in Italy, summer 2015. Documentary features David Sharashidze, Kateryna Kosianenko, Elena Priduvalova, Aleksei Apollonov, Viktoria Kalaichi and Denis Sarazhin as representatives of Ukrainian fine art and their interaction with Italian cultural figures such as Lora Guerra and Carlo Sanchizi. The […]
жовтня 24, 2014 12:33Exposition in Kalyta gallery. Art by Kateryna Kosianenko project“Short film” by Kateryna Kosianenko in Kalyta gallery. 10.10.2014 Foto by Iryna Sukhomlynova http://sukhomlynova.com/projects/66-exposition-in-kalyta-gallery-art-by-kateryna-kosianenko?locale=en
червня 6, 2014 07:25Where East meets EastChallenging exhibition of Eastern European art at N2N Gallery N2N Gallery has been bridging the gap between Eastern Europe and the Middle East for a full year now, and their latest exhibition couldn’t be more fitting. N2N Gallery opened just over a year ago. Founded by Natalya Muzaleva, the space has two goals. First, it […]
червня 2, 2014 19:25Solo exhibition by Ukrainian artist Kateryna Kosyanenko“Oasis “. 2014. Embassy of Ukraine in the United Arab Emirates (Kingdom of Bahrain) 1 June 2014 Abu Dhabi was celebrating the opening ceremony of the solo exhibition of the prominent Ukrainian artist Kateryna Kosyanenko “Sweets and Spices”. The paintings were depicting some of the traditional Ukrainian motives as well as the culture and traditions of […]
червня 1, 2014 15:35Master-class by the artist Kateryna Kosyanenko with Afra1.06.2014. Abu Dhabi. N2N Gallery. Very special guest from “Make a Wish Foundation” – Afra Adnan Obaid Al Shamsi. http://www.n2n-gallery.com/eng/news/ https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.325505077616902.1073741861.182162871951124&type=1
травня 29, 2014 08:01“Sweets and Spies”. Catalog. “N2N Gallery”. UAE, Abu Dhabi. 2014http://www.n2n-gallery.com/all/kosyanenko_prew.pdf
травня 28, 2014 20:32Sweets and Spices ExhibitionJun 01 – Jun 14, 2014, Avenue at Etihad Towers, Abu Dhabi. This is a solo exhibition by Kateryna Kosyanenko which will also grant the wish of 11-year-old Afra Adnan Obaid Alshamsi. Kateryna is a bright star on the Ukrainian art scene and the exhibition will showcase some of her works which have never […]
грудня 18, 2013 23:46Modern take on “Mamais and Their Women”KATERYNA KOSIANENKO CONTINUES UKRAINIAN TRADITIONS IN HER ORIGINAL WORKS: THE PICTURE BROTHERS Kalyta Art Club Gallery launched Kateryna Kosianenko’s Kyiv exhibition Lilia BEVZIUK-VOLOSHYNA 9 December, 2013 Let us recall that the internationally known young painter had her first solo exhibition in Ukraine in July, 2013. Den covered Kosianenko’s display at the Triptych Gallery which included […]
грудня 13, 2013 17:42Fine Art Gallery De Twee Pauwen. The Hague, NetherlandOf course my facebook pages are about art, not politics. However, allow me to post this lovely painting by the Ukrainian Painter Katheryna Kosianenko. And yes I am glad to show it, not because I have a well founded opinion about Ukrainian politics, but a very strong one regarding the European Union! The demonstrations […]
травня 25, 2013 13:32Сatalog N2N Gallery. Abu Dhabi, UAE. 2013Сatalog works of Ukrainian artists. N2N Gallery, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Presented: Hemry Yagodkin, Petro Bevza, Volodymir Reshetov, Tatyana Yagodkina, Kateryna Kosyanenko, Igor Shipilin, Grygoriy Sokirinsky, Anna Nosenko, Oxana Stratiychuk…
квітня 16, 2013 12:53“Ukrainians on the Côte d’Azur” FestivalBy Olya Korzachenko In January of this year I had the great pleasure of attending a Ukrainian cultural festival in Nice, in the south of France, of all places! This Cote d’Azur area, as it is widely known, has always attracted prominent figures of culture, and Ukrainians are no exception. Few people are actually […]
лютого 25, 2013 15:07Kiev-Nice. 2013. Exhibition of PaintingDidier Vernay and Kateryna Kosianenko. Fond Matrix Orange (The Hague) and Dominican cathedral gallery. January 18. Opening of the art exhibition by Ukrainian artist Kateryna Kosianenko (Galerie des Dominicains, 9 rue Saint-Francois-de-Paule, 17:00). Kateryna Kosianenko is one of Ukraine’s most promising young artists, having won the 1st prize at Salon d’Automne in Paris, France (2003) […]
січня 19, 2013 10:55Ukrainians on the CôteThe Côte d’Azur has always attracted prominent figures of culture, and Ukrainians are no exception. But few people are actually aware of this. Ukrainian artist and painter Kateryna Kosianenko will be opening the art exhibition on 18th January The Côte d’Azur has always attracted prominent figures of culture, and Ukrainians are no exception. But few […]
січня 19, 2013 10:40Ukrainians in NiceBy Lilia BEVZIUK-VOLOSHYNA On January 15 through 29 our painters, photographers, litterateurs, and fashion designers have an opportunity to show their work on an international level in France IPHONE BY KATERYNA KOSIANENKO / Photo illustration provided by Kateryna KOSIANENKO Ukrainian artists who work in the sphere of painting, photography, literature, and fashion have an opportunity […]
травня 21, 2011 21:01KoloroprzestrzeŃ (Кольоропростір). Персональна виставка в Arsene Galeria Wiatrak, Краків. 2011Колір для мене є мірою глибини людської емоції. Колір завжди пов*язаний з візією, спочатку є реалія, загостреність свідомості і чуття, злам, в якому з*являється істина – спалах кольору. Від цього спалаху риси реальності можуть геть загубитися, розчинится, а можуть — частково, або повністю, лишитися знайомими нам. Людина існує в Просторі Світу. Є творінням і творцем. […]
лютого 22, 2010 11:06Ukrainian Women in Arts and Culture. 2010The two-week event will be a celebration of women and their accomplishments, as well as a platform for a dialogue on the challenges facing them. It has the following goals: to familiarise the Hague community with some of the aspects of modern Ukrainian culture, to provide insights into some of the challenges of modern women […]
жовтня 7, 2009 17:12«Biennale Internazionale Dell’Arte Contemporanea 2009». Firenze, Italia, 2009
лютого 22, 2009 13:19Artists Awarded 2009. International Award Lorenzo il Magnifico. VII Biennale, Florence2009 Painting 1° Award – Reinder Ourensma 2° Award – Maximino Balatbat 3° Award – Carlos Leon Cruz 4° Award – Nasr Warour – Joanna Lefroy Capelle – Henk Bloemhof – Gino Bernardini – Daniela Raffaele – Mario Sepulcre – Alejandro Peralta 5° Award – Charles Billich – Kateryna Kosianenko – Jenny Ping – Flavia […]