KATERYNA KOSIANENKO – Ukrainian artist, painter, Honored Artist of Ukraine (2019).
1978 – was born in 1978 in Kyiv.
1996 – graduated from T. Shevchenko State School of arts.
1999 – participant of all-Ukrainian art exhibitions.
2002 – graduated from National academy of fine arts and architecture. Studied at the theatre scenery department under the guidance of renowned stage artist Danilo Lider.
2003 – participant of international art exhibitions.
2005 – had an internship with NAFAA assisting at the pictorial master class of prof. Vasil Gurin, people’s artist of Ukraine.
Holds MA degree in painting.
2002 – member of National artists’ union of Ukraine since.
2009 – internship in Cite internationale Des arts (Paris).
2011 – internship in the Krakow Academy of Fine Arts named J. Matejko.
Painting, theater and cinema.
34 personal exhibitions of painting.
- Honored Artist of Ukraine, 2019
- The Kiev art Award, named Sergey Shishko, a fine art, 2018
- Grant of the Ministry of Culture “GAUDE POLONIA”, Republic Poland, 2011
- 5th Prize in painting (5 Premio Pittura Lorenzo di Magnifico) and medal “Lorenzo de Medici” VII Biennale of Contemporary Art in Florence, Italy, 2009
- Silver medal, Ukrainian Academy of Arts, 2006
- President of Ukraine grant for gifted youth, 2004
- Kyiv Mayor Scholarship, 2004
- President of Ukraine scholarship, 2004
- 1st prize in painting of the Salone d’Autumne ( 1-er PRIX de PENTURE des Amis du SALONE D’AUTOMNE) , Paris, France, 2003
- Committee on family and youth diploma, Kyiv, 2003
- Diploma from Chief department on culture and arts of Kyiv city administration, Kyiv, 2002
- Laureate of the M. Dmytrenko contest ( III Prize), NAFAA, Kyiv, 2000
- Laureate of the M. Dmytrenko contest ( III Prize), NAFAA, Kyiv, 1999
Exhibition “VICTORY by Kateryna Kosіanenko”
Оn April 21, 2023 the opening of Kateryna Kosianenko’s exhibition Victory will take place in the lobby of the main building of the Andrey Sheptytsky National Museum in Lviv (20 Svobody Avenue). The exhibition consists of more than 50 most significant works (2006-2022) by K. Kosianenko.
BABYLON’13: Ukrainian creative documentaries
Why does she have an emotional connection with apartment buildings, and why sincerity is important for a painter? Watch the video! 00:00 – Buildings are just like humans 03:40 – Evening Kyiv 07:10 – Maybe, I couldn’t paint again 08:56 – Art can explain anything 10:48 – Painting is like a song or a pray This is the 5 episode of Art in the Land of War documentary series. Art in the Land of War is a Ukrainian documentary series, co-produced by @DocNoteFilmsProduction studio and @babylon13ua film collective. It consists of 25 short stories about Ukrainian artists – painters, musicians, sculptors, and writers, who did not leave Ukraine during the war. Following their everyday life and creative process, the project tries to find an answer to the central question: what is the place of art and the artist in the country at war? DocNoteFilms is an independent Ukrainian documentary film production. We have started our documentary work as a part of BABYLON’13 association of independent filmmakers. From the Maidan revolution in Kyiv to this day, we focus on covering the development of Ukrainian civil society in the backdrop of current but doubtlessly historical events. Our goal is to spread accurate information and understanding of Ukrainian affairs throughout the world, and to raise the spirits and tell the stories that are not yet told within Ukraine. To do so, we have arrangements to publish our work on the platforms of our long-standing partners – BABYLON’13 and Ukrainian national broadcaster UA Suspilne. #DocNoteFilms #Babylon13
07.12.2021 – 02.02.2022 “Winter garden”- exhibition of paintings in Museum of Books and Printing of Ukraine. Kyiv.
Exhibit by artist Kateryna Kosianenko of her art illustrating poet Serhiy Zhadan’s new collection “List of Ships”. This is part of a series by talented curator Tetyana Shwed pairing up artists of different genres. National Art Museum of Ukraine. 28.07-08.08.2021.
Sergey Zhadan. The poetic collection “List of ships”.
Painting by Kateryna Kosianenko.
Curator of the project – Тетяна Швед Безкоровайна, Owner and Founder у S.T. ART Foundation.
Publisher – Svyatoslav Pomerantsev, President у Meridian Czernowitz.
You can order the book here: http://www.meridiancz.com/blog/serhiy-zhadan-spysok-korabliv/
Kateryna Kosianenko. Exposition d’oeuvres graphiques. Mon Kiev. Mon Paris
Mercredi 14 mars, 19h30. Centre Culturel de l’Ambassade d’Ukraine
“Un Dialogue graphique Kyiv-Paris. C’est un dialogue artistique, architectural, humain. Deux villes, deux capitales, deux cultures, des milliers de vies humaines connectées, des œuvres d’art…

“Un Dialogue graphique Kyiv-Paris. C’est un dialogue artistique, architectural, humain. Deux villes, deux capitales, deux cultures, des milliers de vies humaines connectées, des œuvres d’art… Ce cycle d’œuvres graphiques de Kateryna Kosianenko est un art graphique professionnel, une vision d’auteur sans « images d’Épinal» et sujets banales “pour les touristes”. Ce sont Kiev et Paris authentiques, des rues uniques, un tempérament particulier, l’ambiance spéciale, de vieux jardins touchants et éphémères, des monuments historiques.” (de l’article de Lidiya Hurskaya au catalogue de l’exposition)
Kateryna Kosianenko, née le 21 novembre 1978 à Kyiv/Kiev est une artiste-peintre ukrainienne. Elle est membre de l’Union Nationale des Artistes d’Ukraine (depuis 2002), diplômée des Beaux-arts de Kiev. En 1996, elle obtient son baccalauréat à l’Ecole spécialisée d’art Taras Chevtchenko, Kiev. En 2002, elle est diplômée de l’Académie Nationale des Beaux-Arts et de l’architecture (département de décoration de théâtre, sous la direction de Danylo Lider), puis continue ses études de peinture approfondies sous la direction de l’artiste émérite de l’Ukraine, professeur Vassyl Hurin. Elle obtient son Master de peinture en 2005. Elle a participé à des expositions en Ukraine et à l’étranger (depuis 1999). 23 expositions personnelles à Kiev, Paris, Nice, Cracovie, Tcherkassy, Abu Dhabi, Olsztyn, Varsovie témoignent de la notoriété acquise de l’artiste. En 2009, elle est invitée à la Cité Internationale des Arts (Paris) pour une résidence artistique. Elle est membre de l’Association “Ukraine-France” (Ukraine, Kiev) et de l’association Art sans frontières (Art Union without borders, Pologne, Cracovie). La technique et le style de l’artiste se rapprochent de l’art traditionnel ukrainien, de l’iconographie de l’époque du baroque ukrainien. Ses œuvres sont appelées “authentiques”, “figuration ethnographiques”. Elle peint des icones, travaille dans le domaine de la peinture de chevalet, au théâtre et au cinéma.
C’est une belle exposition, très soignée, qui associe les villes de Kyiv et de Paris dans une unité de style et de vue qui a été inaugurée hier au soir au Centre Culturel d’Ukraine en France par sa Directrice Mme Natalia Kochubey en présence de l’auteur Kateryna Kosyanenko.
“Les Visages de nos Villes. Kyiv – Paris”
- 2018-19 – “TERRA”. Museums of books and printing of Ukraine, Kyiv
- 2018 -«Viewpoint». Museum of Kyiv Histiry
- “Mon Kyiv. Mon Paris”. Сenter of Ukrainian culture,Paris
- 2017 – “Les Visages de nos Villes”. Kyiv – Paris”. Gallery “Jour et Nuit Culturel”, Paris
- 2017 – “KYIVITES AND GUESTS”. “KalytaArtKlub” and Museum of Kyiv history. Kyiv
- “PRIMARY COLOURS”. Kyiv, Gallery “Ornament Art Space”
- 2016-2017 – “Landscape”. Kyiv, Gallery “KalytaArtKlub”
- 2016 – „Graffiti for Anna”, gallery „KalytaArtKlub” and National Sanctuary Complex “Sophia of Kiev”, Kyiv, Ukraine
- 2015 –„MIFO”, „Gallery Parsuna”, Kyiv, Ukraine
- „Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors”, Warsaw Philharmonic, Embassy of Ukraine in Poland dedicated to the Independence Day of Ukraine, Warsaw, Poland, September 3, 2015
- „Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors”, Gallery „KalytaArtKlub” and „Centrum Sztuki Fort Sokolnickiego”, Warsaw, Poland
- 2014 –„Shadows of the forgotten forefathers”, Gallery „KalytaArtKlub” and Gallery „Sowa”, Olsztyn, Poland
- „Short film”, Gallery „KalytaArtKlub”, Kyiv, Ukraine
- Exhibition of paintings at the National Bank of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
- „Kateryna Kosjanenko”, Gallery „KalytaArtKlub” and Galeria Marszałkowska Olsztyn, Poland
- „Sweets and Spices”, „N2N Gallery”, Abu Dhabi, UAE
- 2013 – „My Mamay’s”, Gallery „KalytaArtKlub”, Kyiv, Ukraine
- „Мamay’s and Mamaivnas”, Art Museum, Cherkasy, Ukraine
- „Summertime”, „Art gallery Triptikh”, Kyiv, Ukraine
- „Kiev – Nice”, Exhibition Gallery of Dominican cathedral together with the Matrix Orange (The Hague), Nice, France
- 2011 – „Koloroprzestrzen”, „Gallery Arsene Galeria Wiatrak”, Krakow, Poland
- 2008 – „Tramontana”, Kyiv museum of Russian art, art gallery “Collection”, Kyiv, Ukraine
- 2007 – „Anthology”, art gallery “Collection”, Kyiv, Ukraine
- 2006 – „Calendrier”, Centre of culture and information of Ukrainian embassy, Paris, France
- 2005 – “Calendar”, art gallery „Mystec”, Kyiv, Ukraine
- 2004 – “Kateryna Kosyanenko”, Galerie-Celine, Paris, France
- 2003 – “August. The echo”, Ukrainian Fund of Culture, Kyiv, Ukraine
- 2000 – “Journey for two”, art gallery “Dim Mykoly”, Kyiv, Ukraine
- “Doll’s Miracle”. December 11-26, 2018. Museum of the History of Kyiv
- 5th Anniversary European Festival of Professional Doll Art. Riga, September 2018
- Festival of European Professional Doll Art. Riga, September 2017
- International pleinair “Grunevald art”, Poland, Reszel
- Galeria Marszałkowska, exibition “Grunevald art”, Olsztyn, Poland
- Pleinair in Frontino, Italy
- Grape Winemaking-Wine-Koktebel 2013. Kyiv, 2015
- XVI International Plein Air in Poland, Tarnobzeg, Bolestrashice (Międzynarodowy Plener Artystyczny, Tarnobrzeg, Bolestraszyce, 2013)
- N2N Gallery, Abu Dhabi, UAE
- International Plein Air in Bulgaria, Razlog
- Exhibition of scholars of GAUDE POLONIA 2011. Arte Gallery, Warsaw
- “Ukrainiane women in arts and culture”, “Gallery Atelier Beeld” together with the Matrix Orange. The Hague, Netherlands
- VII Florentine Biennale of Contemporary Art (Florence Biennale), Italy
- «Harmony Winter exhibition», gallery «De Twee Pauwen». The Hague, Netherlands
- «Luce nel Buio» Gallery «De Twee Pauwen» (The Hague, Netherland).
- International pleinair in Crimea ( Koktebel – Kurortne)
- International pleinair in Koktebel “Grapes- Winemaking-Wine ”, by “Ukraine-France” association, Koktebel, Ukraine
- “France in my heart” exhibition, art gallery “Dim Mykoly”, Kyiv, Ukraine
- Le centenaire SALON D’AUTOMNE , Paris, France
- Moscow International art salon “The new names”, CHA, Moscow, Russia
- International pleinair in Greece, exhibition in the city hall of Didimotehon, Greece
- International pleinair in Poland (Bukovina Tadzhanska)
- “The days of Kyiv culture in Krakow” exhibition, Krakow, Poland
- “Ukraine – Poland”exhibition, art gallery “Dim Mykoly”, Kyiv
- “To honor the museum, with love to the city.” Exhibition of paintings, graphics and sculptures. Museum of the History of Kyiv
- “Circle of Catherine”. 2018. National Museum of Literature of Ukraine, Kyiv
- “Signs and Metaphors of the Urban Space”. 2018. Odessa Museum of Western and Oriental Art. Directorate of Art Exhibitions. Odessa
- “Artists of Kiev – Hometown”. 2018. Kyiv
- VIII Biennale “Ukraine from Trypillya to the present in the images of contemporary artists”, Kyiv
- “The Circle of Catherine”. Directorate of Art Exhibitions of Ukraine. National Museum of Literature of Ukraine, Kyiv
- Installation of the exhibition “Circle of Catherine”. 4.12.2017. Museum of Literature. Kyiv
- “Puppet Miracle”. Leonardo Business Center. Kiev. “Puppet Miracle”. Leonardo Business Center. Kyiv
- EXHIBITION EXHIBITION devoted to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Tetyana Yablonskaya. Nikolaev, Exhibition Hall of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine
- “Cossack fairy tales”. Hetman’s Museum, Kyiv
- “A romantic landscape. The Association Principle “. Directorate of Art Exhibitions of Ukraine, National Historical and Cultural Reserve “Kachanivka”. Kachanivka
- All-Ukrainian Triennale of Painting. Kiev. CBC
- The Territory of the Soul. 7th All-Ukrainian Art Festival. Museum of Contemporary Art “Art-Plast”. Chernigov “Territory of the soul”. Art Festival, Chernigov, December 2015
- “Young Ukrainian Inspirations”. 11-30 September. Odessa, Art museum
- Ukrainian art exhibition Historical figures future. Cherkassy regional art museum.
- Gesso, The exhibition in Kyiv gallery “location”
- Ukrainian Christmas art exhibition. House of Artists, Kyiv
- KONSKHU exhibition Art in space and time … House of Artists, Kyiv
- Ukraine from Tripoli to Present at the images of contemporary artists. House of Artists, Kyiv
- Triennale “Painting 2013“. House of Artist, Kyiv
- The exhibition “Picturesque Ukraine“, Kharkiv branch of Union of Artists, Kharkiv
- Exhibition alumni of NAFAA 2002 “2002+ 11“ “2002+ 11“, NAFAA, Kyiv
- Ukraine from Tripoli to the present in the images of contemporary artists. Kyiv
- Folk-echo. Gallery Ducat, Kyiv
- Participation in the All-Ukrainian pleinair in Transcarpathia, Shayan – Khust- Lviv
- IV All-Ukrainian painting triennial Painting -2007, House of Artist, Kyiv
- From Trypillya to today: Ukraine in the images of contemporary artists , House of Artist, Kyiv
- “A touch of an angel”, art gallery “Mystets”, Kyiv
- Exhibitions of the assistant-interns, NAFAA, Kyiv
- The orange exhibition, House of Artist, Kyiv
- All-Ukrainian Christmas exhibition, NAUU, Kyiv
- All-Ukrainian Christmas exhibition, NAUU, Kyiv.
- All-Ukrainian s exhibition The picturesque Ukraine, Kyiv
- Exhibitions of the assistant-interns , NAFAA, Kyiv
- Kyiv youth art exhibition VIII Autumn Vernissage, art gallery Lavra, Kyiv
- The youth of the century, Kyiv youth art exhibition, House of Artist, Kyiv
- All-Ukrainian art exhibition Chernobyl, Kyiv
- All-Ukrainian art exhibition Women of Ukraine – the Artists, NAUU, Kyiv
- All-Ukrainian art exhibition The picturesque Ukraine, NAUU, Kyiv
- All-Ukrainian art exhibition dedicated to the Day of the Artist, NAUU, Kyiv
- Participation in the all-Ukrainian pleinair in Simeiz, Crimea..
- The 8th of March Art exhibition, art gallery Mystets, Kyiv
- All-Ukrainian art exhibition dedicated to the Day of the Artist, NAUU, Kyiv
- All-Ukrainian art exhibition Youth, NAUU, Kyiv
- All-Ukrainian art exhibition dedicated to the 2000-anniversary of Christmas, NAUU, Kyiv
- All-Ukrainian pleinair at the Arabat spit, and the Christian youth of Ukraine conference exhibition The light of the starts through the light of images, Ukrainian House, Kyiv
Works are owned by NAFAA, Museum of mountain ecology of the Carpathian biosphere reserve, municipality of Didimotehon (Greece), and belong to private collections in Ukraine, Poland, France, Netherland, United States, Canada, Russia, and the UK.
- “Sweets and Spies”. Catalog. “N2N Gallery”. UAE, Abu Dhabi. 2014.
- “Kateryna Kosianenko. My Mamay”s. Gallery “KalytaArtKlub.” Kyiv. 2013.
- “Kateryna Kosianenko. Painting. “Mamay’s and Mamayivny.” Katalog. Kyiv, 2013.
- Triennale of Painting “2013 Paintings“. Kyiv, 2013.
- “XVI Międzynarodowy Plener Artystyczny”. Tarnobrzeg, Bolestraszyce, 2013.
- “Kateryna Kosianenko. Painting. Gallery “Triptych”. Katalog. Kyiv, 2013.
- Сatalog N2N Gallery. Abu Dhabi, UAE. 2013.
- “Picturesque Ukraine“. Ukrainian art exhibition. Kyiv, 2013.
- “The Museum of the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture.” Kyiv, 2012.
- “Rozmai independent Ukraine. Artists Kyiv. Ukrainian art 1991-2011 years. Painting, drawing, sculpture. “2011, publishing “Krinitcya”.
- “Ukraine from Tripoli to present images in modern art.” Kyiv, 2010.
- «Biennale Internazionale Dell’Arte Contemporanea 2009». Firenze, Italia, 2009.
- “Grapes – Wine – Winemaking – Koktebel”. Kyiv, 2008.
- “Ukraine from Tripoli to present images in modern art.” Kyiv, 2008.
- „Tramontana”. Kyiv, 2008.
- „Spine of Carpathians” . International Modern Art Gallery, Khust-Lviv, 2008.
- “The art of nations. Youth”. International confederation of the artists’ unions, Astana, 2007.
- ІV All-Ukrainian painting triennial “Painting 2007”. Kyiv, 2007.
- “From Trypillya to today: Ukraine in the images of contemporary artists”. Kyiv. 2007.
- “Х International art salon”, CHA 2007. Moscow, 2007.
- „Anthology”. Kyiv, 2007.
- ”Grapes-Wine-Winemaking-Koktebel”. Kyiv, 2006.
- Exhibition “Zomer, Natuurlijk”. Galleriy«De Twee Pauwen». The Hague, Netherlands, 2006
- Le Salon D’Automne 2006. Les Champs de la Diversite. Paris, 2006.
- “Khortytsya through the centuries – 2006». Zaporizhzhya, 2006.
- “Kateryna Kosianenko. CALENDAR”. Catalog. Kiev, 2005.
- Le Salon D’Automne . Salut les Ameriques! Paris , 2004.
- 1903-2003 Centenaire Salon D’Automne. Catalog. Paris. 2003.
- Moscow International Art Salon “New Names”. Catalog. Moscow. 2003.
- Colours of life. Kyiv, 2003.